A list of various projects and experiments.


A project using a LaCrosse self-emptying rain gauge and an Electric Imp003 Microcontroller. I hacked the rain gauge to utilize the tipper reed switch. Each tip records .01 inches of rain. Data is stored on my website and Google Charts are used to display the data.


A project using an inexpensive 134.2kHz micro chip ID scanner and an ESP32 WiFi controller to scan my dog's embedded pet chip. Data is sent to a remote website for processing ID and a status code is returned. Can be used by a pet training facility, animal hospital, animal rescue, etc.


A Solar Powered WiFi Sensor that detects if mail is in the mailbox, or not in the mailbox. When I come home from work, it would be really nice to know if I have to walk down to the street to get the mail ... or if it has been removed. It's been running over one year now.


A home-built MP3 player directed at people with Dementia or Alzheimers. Easy to operate with only a couple controls. Elderly people or persons with various stages of dementia have difficulty operating modern MP3 players or various music players. There are special "radios" and "music players" available for dementia patients, but I decided to build my own version.


Original Bubbletest Project to help teachers create traditional bubble test sheets for student tests. A bit out-dated by today's printing standards, but it has some creative features that teachers like to use.


The newer Bubbletest version that utilizes PDF files as the printout. Not as many features as the original bubbletest, but the bubbles can be resized and look crystal clear on paper.


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